Thursday, March 13, 2008


I have been tagged by Ardy

The Linking Tag Rules

1. List out five favourite links - the links can be of business sites, affiliate links or whatever that suits the blogger.

2. Tag five more people to share their links, so hopefully, at the end of the tag, we would be able to share good links with each other.

3. The links MUST be clean. No X-rated sites.

4. List out only FIVE links.

5. You MUST tell the FIVE people you chose.

6. Provide the link back to the person who tagged you.

7. Obviously, it should be an active link.

Well then, my five links would be:

1. CIMBclicks - eversince CIMB/BCB expanded their internet transactions it has been wonderful for me. I do not have to go to the bank for anything except to withdraw money (for transactions I cannot do over the Net)

2. Facebook - I love this application as it allowed me to find my old friends that I have lost touch with.

3. Medscape -I usually go to this site to check out the latest in medicine and also keep up with CME's.

4. BigHugeLAbs - an application that allows me to play around with photos such as Mosaic Maker, Jigsaw, Movie Posters... It allows me to be creative and have fun

5. Lastly my all time favorite Google and its brainier cousin Google Scholar It was my life saver in masters. Used it a lot for my theses research and weekly presentation. Note: Question: "What research method did you employ in this presentation?" Answer: Well, I Googled it up...

Now let see, who should I tag?

1. Floweryskies
2. Lily
3. Najib
4. Hazyr
5. Spena