Saturday, September 22, 2007

Cute butt guy

went to meet some new friends for late supper last night.... apparently after listening to me rant and laughing their heads off (I am a natural comedian, mind ya)... they decided that I should be hooked up with some guy (who..I dunno).. but apparently he has the butt to satisfy my criteria.. ah... not a criteria that's absolute for my dream guy...but as some of my friends know I get turned on by cute pert butt.... *drool* *drool*

Anyway, if the butt turns out as above I guess I will imagine slapping or pinching it (imagine only laaa.... the guy may get a huge shock if I did it for real..hee hee hee)

"hi..I am Lynn... nice meeting you, heard so much about your butt....oppsss about you.... by the way, do you think I can hold your butt"...

" I am so glad many people think so highly my butt...why don't you have a feel"....

Hmm... that doesn't sound right.... but then who cares.......This is my imagination so butt out!!!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

looking at the butt, i think i'm a pervert too!

Bakawali said... theory is right..everyone is perverted

Spena said...

I malulah tengok gambar tu....that's not the word. I was SHOCK when I saw the photo! OMG!!! (tutup muka dgn tangan tapi intai tengok celah-celah jari)...hahaha...

Anonymous said...

i tak malu pun. i siap kasi enlarged the picture, to check if the size is proportionate.

more samples needed to prove ur theory. i'm a confirmed one lah. ghee hheee heee...

Bakawali said...

Hee hee hee

Guile... I will execute your wish...more butt photos coming up...but tunggu lepas puasa la...

plus need more research and.....(*wink*)

Anonymous said... change!!!

Now I feel potentially harrassed.

floweryskies said...

psst thats why im so in love with amir hahahhaa
kidding ;)

Anonymous said...

Floweryskies...yeah, I noticed Amir's butt when we had tea at Riverside in July.

Bakawali said...

hahahaha.. SD do you swing both ways dear??? hee hee hee

ryan said...

hes got such a nicee butt so cute